Friday, October 26, 2012

Saturdays Freedom

Ok so the deal is if you can't beat the weather you join it. Not only ducks enjoy water you know. Gnomes love it too. Saying 'stay out of puddles', is a total waste of energy, to go feed the lambs there are just too many to have to avoid and little feet make lots of fun splashing. It wasn't too cold but by the time he was soaked up to his middle, he was cold. I don't mind the washing but hate the drying when you just can't hang it outside.

Not only Cai got out to enjoy the puddles and rain. Cody and Shane got their bikes out for a blat. Cai and I wandered out to watch them play.

Yep there is snow on the mountains behind Cody, more it seems then there was all winter.

Just showing off a little. I kept waiting for him to skid out his way down this hill and hitting that electric wire at the bottom. Behind that wire is a real big big drop, like real big. Its a bit of a grave yard in fact for those unfortunate ones that have toppled over (to their death) and those other ones that have already met an unfortunate death and got thrown over. I am talking livestock you know!

A mud mask, result of chasing mud spray out the back of the motorbikes. A happy exercised dog though.

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