Monday, October 8, 2012

Maiden Voyage

Friday night saw Shane arrive home with his new toy, its not entirely his because we are all going to get enjoyment out of it and we all did yesterday when we took her out on the maiden voyage. He is pretty stoked, he has been wanting a boat  for soooo long, so we can go fishing whenever we want etc etc. He has been trolling for ages looking for one, exceptionally patient and not rushed into things. As things work out sometimes, this one worked out. I am happy for him and excited for the adventures we are to have ahead.
We headed to Hauroko for a spin. Best to give her a run on the lake before heading out to sea with her.

Yes Cody is driving here, we all got a turn, except Cai of course. We were only trawling so nice and slow. We had set out to show the kids the Maori Princess on the lake here. When we got to her, the lake was too high to get the boat in safely enough. They got to see where she was but not climb out and go for a close look.

We never caught a single fish but we all enjoyed it all the same. Well nearly all of us, Cai did test my patience at times and he didn't seem to like going fast too much. He had a gorilla grip on me then. All he could blab about at tea time was, "Dad boat big jumps on water". Rather repeatively.

We are still deciding on her name, according to Shane your first boat is to be named after your eldest daughter. So we are playing on a few names, but have definitely decided against Pook Dog, which is Shanes pet name for Cheyenne!!

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