Yep thats my kitchen bench!!! About 10 dishes on the go at the same time. A gnome included, he's on clean up duties, another words licking out the bowls. Its his party though I guess he has full right. I think we have it all sorted now, just do a house tidy up and beds for guests. We have all the Harvey family coming for tea and a piece of birthday cake tonight. I have lost all inspiration for the birthday cake thing and went for very uncreative cake decorations but the cake is a yum chocolate mud cake. The dog won't be getting any left overs from that one. Have also done a surprise 40th cake for Cai's uncle, it is a real surprise!!! Its an iced piece of wood so watch out for coverage on that joke in my next blog entry, lol.
Party at our Place tonight folks.........
hope they didn't read your blog before cutting the cake :)