I got out this morning to grab a photo of the sunrise, it was gorgeous, the kids were already on the school bus and the gnome, namely Cai was eating his toast, so I grabbed the oppurtunity.
Since then I have done the typical household chores but as I spent a good hour cleaning the kitchen/dining room floor with a bucket of vinegar I really got to thinking, firstly thinking of friends and how for me being so far away from family I really don't like to loose contact with friends, the people that I hold special. How some friendships just come easy, how they are so accommodating, you feel welcome, you don't have to ask, you can rock up and have a coffe and know you are not an inconvenince and others can feel like you are pushing crap up hill with a pitchfork. How you feel like you are doing all the work to try and keep that friendship and if you didn't you'd have no contact at all. I struggle with this.
Then there are the other friends that you can go a whole year without being in touch with but it feels like it was only yesterday you last caught up. You just take off where you left, then walk away with more treasured memories.
Therefore I must make more of an effort myself.
What got me thinking about it all was a wonderful conversation via internet with an awesome friend in Wales this morning.
Then I was under the table scrubbing and got to reflecting how big a mess my kids can make, I know they drop food and the older pair know they have to clean it up if they do. Doesn't mean I don't notice it when they give me those quiet looks to see if I had seen them drop it, therefore hoping they'll get away with it!! But the amount of paint and glue, just from the holidays, crikeys me!!!
On the otherside of the coin,
love that my kids love a good creative session and they enjoy a bit of art. So that kind of mess is always welcome under my table,
as for the food, it is a comfort to know that they are fed and healthy.
Now I need to head off for a shower as while doing the floor the gnome found it entertaining to drop drips of vinegar on my head so I smell like something of a seafood platter!!
Have a good day y'all x
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